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- Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, Perkin Elmer, Analyst 400
- Automated Colony Counter, IUL Instrument, Flash & Go
- Automated Heating Digester with Fume collection, Velp DKL
- Block Digester, Automatic, Velp Scientifica, DKL20
- Block Digester, Manual, Labconco, 2308000
- Chiller, Lytron
- COD Reactor, HACH, 45600-00
- Discrete Autoanalyzer, Thermo Scientific Gallery
- Distillation/Digestion System, Environmental Express Hot Block
- Distiller, Labconco, Rapidstill II
- Dionex ASE 350 Extraction System
- Extraction System, Ankom XF10
- Flashpoint Tester, Koehler, K16500
- Flow Injection Analyzer (FIA), Astoria Pacific, A2
- GCMS, Shimadzu, GCMS-QP2010 plus
- GC/MS, Thermo Scientific Trace 1300 GC with ISQ LT MS and ATOMX Autosampler
- IC Metrohm 850 Professional IC
- ICPMS, Varian Inc, Varian 820 ICPMS
- ICP/MS, Autosampler, Varian Inc, SPS 3
- ICP/MS, Autosampler, Thermo Scientific iCAP RQ
- LAL Testing, Epson, M188D
- Multimeter, Horiba, U10
- Microwave Digestion System, Anton Paar, Multiwave3000
- Microwave Digestion System, Anton Paar, Multiwave GO
- Oil and Grease Machine, Horizon Technology, SPC-3000
- Oil and Grease Evaporation System, Horizon Technology, SPEED VAP III
- PCR, Bax System, Dupont
- PCR, GDS Assurance, Biocontrol, RG-3000
- PCR, BioRad CFX96 Real Time System
- Quanti-Tray Sealer, IDEXX, 89-10894-00
- Quanti-Tray Sealer Plus, IDEXX
- Rotary Extractor-SPLP/TCLP, Fisher Scientific, LE-4000
- Thermal Cycler, Invisible Sentinel
- Spectrophotometer, HACH, DR2800
- Spectrophotometer, HACH, DR3900
- Total Solids/Moisture Analyzer, Denver Instruments, IR35
- Turbidimeter, HACH, 2100Q
- Ultra Pure Water System, Milli Q, Gradient
- Water Activity Meter, Novasina, LabMaster – aW
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